Depression and Anxiety Disorders
Not the Same but Remarkably Similar
Depression and Anxiety Disorders both present as:
Avoiding other people, even your close friends.
Finding it hard to function at work, college, or school.
Finding it difficult to make decisions or think clearly.
Unable to concentrate or remember things.
Being irritable for no reason.
Feeling constantly nervous, on edge.
Each disorder has its own causes and its own emotional and behavioral symptoms yet, 80% of people with one of these disorders often have the other.
Common anxiety signs and symptoms include:
Having a sense of impending danger, panic, or doom
Having an increased heart rate
Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation)
Feeling weak or tired
Having the urge to avoid things that trigger anxiety
Common depression signs and symptoms include:
Feeling sad, tearful, guilty or worthless
feeling empty and numb
lacking in self-confidence and self-esteem
Unable to enjoy things that usually bring you pleasure
Feeling helpless or hopeless